Artistic, Literary & Educational Background
Training, Eras, Obstacles, Awards, Professional Activities
Highlights & Chronology
2018 ~ Two poems & two paintings chosen from juried competition for publication in “The Book of Art & Word” Anthology by Sooke Community Arts Council
2016/ongoing ~ creation of recycled/reclaimed interior eco-design art objects
2014/ongoing ~ work with writing continues/resumes; blog writing, essays, narrative, prose, poetry etc.
2014/ongoing ~ new work in Acrylics, collage, water-based media of all kinds, assorted design, craft & art work
2014/ongoing ~ ERA 8: with miraculous recovery of use of hands & arms comes renewed life for artistic endeavors! Focus on retraining hands & arms to function, decision to focus on learning use of faster drying & less time consuming media (Acrylics) due to predicted decreased life expectancy. Resumption of Symbolist work, along with increased experimentation in all media. Construction of new disability access studio enables resumption of career. JOY, OH, FRUMPTIOUS JOY, CALLOO, CALLAY!
2013 ~ identification of a tolerated pain medication allows healing of dystonic spasm of RSD/CRPS. It is now possible to proceed with rehabilitative physiotherapy, osteopathy, & other healing modalities; use of hands & arms is slowly regained!! Diagnosis of Kounis Syndrome leads to prediction of radically decreased life expectancy.
2012/ongoing ~ custom photo refinishing/reconstruction, fantasy portraits created with digital arts skills
2012/15 ~ Logos & promotional materials for range of businesses created with digital arts skills
2014 ~ creation of poetry chapbook “Nin Debwe/I speak my truth.”
2010/14 ~ ERA 7: work to learn use of Dragon Speaking Naturally, Photoshop & blog creation, primarily taught by adult children Nick & Naomi Wilde, allows slow & painful access to new horizons; creation of “Taming the Beast”, a blog to help others suffering from the rare diseases that have devastated my life. Also work to that end through social media & online support groups. A new sense of purpose comes with creative outlet for the first time in almost a decade of unbearable restriction & agonizing pain, despite the frustration & pain still involved in these efforts. Using new digital arts skills a number of projects are undertaken.
2007 ~ pesticide pollution from new vineyard & pulp mill pollution following change of prevailing winds due to climate change forces move from Pender Island. Deterioration in Systemic Mast Cell Disease finalizes loss of artistic career.
2006 ~ “Map of the Pender Islands” selected as feature piece for Westworld Magazine Summer 2006 article on Salish Sea Project “Cartography that Breathes” by Jennifer Patterson
2005 ~ “Map of the Pender Islands” & text published in “Islands in the Salish Sea”, TouchWood Editions 2005
2004 ~ “Selkie/Sedna/Surcease” wins First Prize in International Juried Online Symbolist Art Show "The Artist As Shaman"
2002 ~ studied with wide range of artists including Haruko Okano at BC Festival of the Arts 2002 (numerous invitations to contribute to shows including group selections and a proposal to show my works alone with recordings of associated poetry to be triggered by proximity of viewers; acute pain and disabilities of deteriorating CNS function caused by RSD/CRPS prevent my accessing these wonderful opportunities.
2002 ~ “Selkie/Sedna/Surcease” shown at artWORK exhibition in Vancouver, chosen as “highlighted work of merit”.
2002 ~ Selected by juried competition to be delegate at the BC Festival of the Arts.
2002 ~ “Selkie/Sedna/Surcease” wins “Jurer’s Choice” award at “Look 2002” Regional Juried Art Show.
2002 ~ “Selkie/Sedna/Surcease” wins first prize at local juried art exhibition
2001 ~ chosen through juried competition to create art map, “Map of the Pender Islands” (including 171 plant & animal species) for the Salish Sea Community Mapping Project.
2001 ~ poetry/essay “A Letter to my Grandmother” published in “Children of the Dragonfly” edited by Robert Benson, published by the University of Arizona Press.
2000 ~ 3 pieces chosen for “Poetry on Pender Anthology 2000”
2000 ~ back cover illustration for “Poetry on Pender Anthology 2000”
1999/2009 ~ ERA 6: After initial impact of MVA, I attempt to continue exposure of past work while trying to heal prior to diagnosis of RSD/CRPS. Concerted attempts to continue as painter (including taping brushes to wrists), but severe neuropathic pain & dystonia of RSD/CRPS spread until use of hands & arms becomes impossible. Near decade of untreated RSD/CRPS due to adverse drug reactions of Systemic Mast Cell Disease causes inability to paint, hold implements, use keyboard etc. (feed myself, or do the most basic of personal care); severe disabilities leads to forced abandonment of Artistic career.
1999 ~ Disabled by MVA. Resurgence of RSD/CRPS, starting in spine, thoracic outlet, right hand & arm. Painting becomes brutally painful, dystonic spasms cause challenge in even holding brushes. Unable to continue work towards BA, or work towards creation of Illustrated Aanashanabe Language Children’s Learning Resources.
1999 ~ 3 pieces chosen for “Poetry on Pender Anthology 1999”
1999/2000 ~ studied, & completed with honours; “Native Literature” & “Women & the Family in the Pre~Industrial Era”, Laurentian University
1999~ Accepted for BA program majoring in Native Literature at Laurentian University, Thunder Bay, Ontario; primary goal, the creation of Illustrated Aanashanabe Language Children’s Learning Resources.
1998/99 ~ rebuilding following loss of paintings in fire of Pender Island’s Galloping Moon Gallery
1998 ~ THIS magazine’s ’98 “Writer of the Year” contest for fiction; awarded honourable mention for short fiction
1998 ~ THIS magazine’s ’98 “Writer of the Year” contest for poetry; awarded honourable mention for poetry
1998 ~ seven line drawings reproduced as children’s art stamps by Olde Island Stamp Company, SaltSpring Island, B.C. Canada
1998 ~ studied poetry with Susan Musgrave
1997/98 ~ Completed with honours; “Development of Adult Education Programs” through the University of BC Continuing Education Dept.
1997 ~ four paintings, two poems published in We’Moon/98 Art Calendar Daybook (Mother Tongue Ink, Estacada, Oregon)
1997 ~ painting “Waniki/I live in peace” chosen for showing in Vancouver Island juried art show, Sooke Fine Arts/97.
1997 ~ display of tree fungus sculptural painting technique at Sooke Fine Arts/97.
1997 ~ participation in Artist in Attendance Program at Sooke Fine Arts/97.
1997 ~ Interviewed by Culture Watch of Q97 Radio.
1997 ~ produced series of botanical drawings “Pacific Coast Plants” for the Royal B.C. Museum & The Field Naturalist Magazine
1996 ~ produced promotional brochures & custom design for a number of private customers & businesses including Cook St. Community Midwives, Eco Ecological Consulting, Eco Ecological Green Building & Design.
1996 ~ completed “Professional Practices for Artists & Designers” through Simon Fraser University Distance Program
1995/99 ~ teaching classes in sculpture, puppetry, painting, collage & drawing to children & youth
1995 ~ fourteen pieces (paintings and sculptures) shown in group show “Gulf Island Arts” Sidney, B.C.
1995 ~ awarded Certificate of Recognition for Community Service for gift of painting “The Colours of Medicine Beach” to Pender Island Conservancy. Proceeds from its sale went toward purchase & protection of a local wetlands wildlife habitat.
1994/99 ~ numerous paintings, sculptural work & jewellery shown at the Galloping Moon Gallery, Pender Island, B.C. Canada
1994/99 ~ creation of “Fantasy Portraits”; from life &/or photographs placing clients in environments from dreams/fantasy/literature etc. with loved ones/people from other times etc.
1994/2000 ~ ERA 5: move to Gulf Islands, intensified botanical/naturalist work, & work with natural materials, collage; most importantly, creation of mature body of Symbolist paintings with water~colour glazing techniques of my own devising, continued work as poet & arts teacher, intensified interest in Aanishnabe heritage & its impact on my creative work
1993/98 ~ begin rebuilding after large body of work destroyed in fire of home, studio, & gallery
1992/93 ~ curation & show of drawings, paintings & sculpture in “Sweet Cabin” Gallery, Port Renfrew, B.C.
1989 ~ guest curation & one woman show at “King Solomon’s” gallery café, Victoria, B.C.
1986/89 ~ producing paintings, line drawings & calligraphic art for one woman show
1987 ~ studied Calligraphy with Sylvia Skelton, founder of B.C. Fairbanks Calligraphy Society
1987 – studied collage & poetry with Robin Skelton, Canadian poet, Knight of Mark Twain, Fellow of the Royal Society, artist & collector
1985 ~ change to water~based media due to immune reaction to oils, development of personal technique, glazing give & take for intensified colour with water~based paints
1984/92 ~ ERA 4: cessation of work with oils due to health; focused work retraining with water~based media; intensified interest in poetry, calligraphic arts, building body of literary work with focus on poetry
1984 ~ first acute immune destabilization & prolonged hospitalization due to Systemic Mast Cell Disease
1983/93 ~ development & implementation of art experimentation program to aid adults in “Unblocking Creativity”
1982 ~ co-facilitator of creative puppetry segment for “Children and Art” program at the Victoria Public Art Gallery, B.C.
1981/82 ~ attended Bank Street/Victoria College of Art, Victoria, B.C.; Fine Arts program
1981/82 ~ travel through Canadian west to paint local people & places; refinement of techniques in oil-based media & inks
1981/99 ~ sales of line drawings, paintings, prints, & jewellery through Woodpecker Craftwerks, Craft Markets, & to private collectors.
1980/83 ~ initial Identification as Symbolist Artist, primary work in oils
1980/81 ~ initial adolescent RSD/CRPS caused by multiple surgeries for Elhers Danlos Syndrome; during extensive healing process created paintings as well as drawings for illustration of 7 co-authoured children’s books
1979/97 ~ teaching art to children
1979 ~ travel through Canadian maritime provinces to paint & draw local people & places; refinement of line drawing techniques
1979/83 ~ ERA 3: art sales & continued studies, learning & teaching on the road; primary work pen & ink & painting with increasing focus on oil based media, initial Symbolist work in oils
1978/79 ~ apprenticeship with painter/filmographer M.Wood, Richmond Hill, Ont.
1975/79 ~ ERA 2: beginning of art sales; line drawings, oil & water~based media paintings to private collectors, continuing to learn
1975/77 ~ volunteer assistant teaching arts & crafts to children in camp settings
1973/78 ~ initial self conceptualization as an artist; first focused development of personal artistic style, learning & learning to teach
1969 ~ regular early exposure to arts & crafts, plus earliest mentorship, art history instruction, & initial training in oil painting and line drawing by my grandfather, working artist and art instructor, W. E. Bradley
1963/75 ~ ERA 1: birth, childhood art, love of creative expression & very early training; learning to draw & paint, learning to teach